DigiSen in English
A project for a simpler digital everyday life
DigiSen was a three-year project, 2021-2024, aimed at making the digital everyday life of seniors easier.
The project was run by PRO, the Swedish National Pensioners’ Organisation, in collaboration with Begripsam Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.. DigiSen was funded by the Swedish Inheritance Fund and ended on 29 February 2024.
The purpose of the project was to try to close the gap, the digital exclusion among the elderly, from two perspectives. Firstly, by enabling older people to become digitally active - or more digitally engaged. Secondly by working towards making digital services easier to use.
During 2021 – 2024, the DigiSen project collected thoughts, opinions and experiences about the digital society, from people over the age og 65. This document contains 14 insights, or areas, that recur in both our surveys and dialogues. By sharing them, we hope to provide valuable perspectives for everyone involved with digitalisation.
The digital everyday life of seniors – 14 insights (pdf) Pdf, 224.3 kB.
Tillsammans för ett bättre liv
I PRO ser vi tillsammans till att livet som pensionär blir bättre och roligare. Här kan du träffa nya vänner, välja mellan mängder av aktiviteter och engagera dig i viktiga frågor. Som medlem får du också en lång rad förmåner som hjälper dig i din vardag.
- PRO medlemsresor
- Utvecklande studier
- Fri datasupport
- PRO Mervärde
- Försäkringar
- Billigare resor
- Samhällspåverkan